[TowerTalk] Side mounting 2m beam

Michael Brown mbrown@shine1.com
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 23:09:49 -0500

I aggree completely with the concept of omni-directional antennas
for packet. My comet at 65ft was great when the cluster I was
working was only 20-25 miles away. Problem with it, is they lost
(at least temporarily) the link to the other clusters, and the
nearest one now is more like 40 miles away. At times the link
is pretty good with the comet. But other times it retrys and
if I listen to the incoming signal, there is a little crackle
and pop that the beam may cure. I hope ;-)


73-Mike K9MI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Hartley [mailto:hartley@smart.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 9:26 PM
> To: Michael Brown
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Side mounting 2m beam
> Hi Mike,
> I just wanted to comment on your plans...
> I had the same idea when I hooked up to the local packet cluster.
> Figured a nice directional link would give me real reliable service.
> However, those in the know advised me to reconsider because it was
> important to hear all the other users so as to avoid collisions.
> Without hearing them, you end up retransmitting (retrying) many
> times unnecessairly and bog down the system for everyone.
> The bottom line was to use as little gain as possible to get a
> good connection with the transmit power you have available.
> I guess if the "local" node isn't very local, then you need the
> high gain (or you are using a HT).
> If you already knew all this, then nevermind. It wasn't obvious to
> me so I thought I'd at least mention it.
> 73, Chuck KM3V

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