[TowerTalk] Re: The Best Antenna & GAP Verticals

DavidC davidc@bit-net.com
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 13:51:57 -0400

Actually, in the world of 'the grass is always greener' and 'keeping up
with the Joneses', the best antenna is the one that the other guy has that
is bigger, wining more dx pile-ups, or just looks cooler!

Speaking of which, I am about to acquire a GAP Titan DX and a Challenger DX
to play with ($100. for the pair, used).  I am thinking of using them for
monitoring and Net management verticals. Suggestions as to setup and use?  
73, DavidC  AA1FA

> Or ------The best Antenna (radio, amplifier, tuner, logging software,
> Is the one YOU own.......................
> >> The sign on my wall says............
> >> "The best antenna is the one that makes us happiest, no matter how it
> >> really works."
> >> Watch carefully, and see if that isn't true.
> >> 73 Tom

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