[TowerTalk] GAP Verticals with 75 Ohm CATV Cable and/or Balun

DavidC davidc@bit-net.com
Fri, 9 Oct 1998 13:41:10 -0400

I am acquiring two used GAP verticals, a Titan and a Challenger.  I have
asked GAP if they may be adjusted to work directly with 75 ohm CATV cable,
or through a balun, here is their less-than-helpful reply (obviously off of
a generic 'talking points' sheet):

"The Titan and Challenger should be fed with 50 Ohm coax.  I'm not sure if
you can run the 75 Ohm with a balun on our antennas.  If you have any other
questions, please let me know."

Anyone here familiar enough with the design of these things to offer a more
helpful response?
Thank You! & 73, DavidC  AA1FA

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