[TowerTalk] Attaching ground wire to ground rods

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 13:55:31 EDT

In a message dated 98-10-11 13:29:08 EDT, jccrtv@jccrtv.com writes:

> What's the right way to attach the ground wire to your ground rods? Is the
>  clamp and screw enough? It seems to be the most comonly practiced method.
>  But with buried rods and ground wire there's gotta be corrosion. Opinions?
>  I'll collect them and post the results.
     The National Electrical Code (NEC) basically allows mechanical
compression joints and exothermic joints.

     You are correct that corrosion is more likely with buried rods and
clamps- that's the primary reason for ground system degradation and rising
resistance. Use of good fittings and anti-oxidant paste will give you the best
chance for a reliable system.

    Exothermic welding systems like Cadweld and others are the preferred,
albeit more expensive, methods. A web search should turn up some

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC
Champion Radio Products (Polyphaser, Cadweld and other grounding hardware
available soon)

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