[TowerTalk] Pinning HF beam to the mast

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:44:19 EDT

In a message dated 98-10-13 08:23:14 EDT, Ted.Boerkamp.boerkamp@nt.com writes:

> I just wanted to get a consensus on whether it is a good idea
>  to drill a hole in your mast in order to pin the beam to it (putting a
>  bolt through it).....I am about to put up a TH7 and I have talked to
>  some
>  people who say  "yes" pin the beam to the boom and then talked to some
>  who say "no" dont do it, you will ruin your rotor....what are the
>  advantages
>  or disadvantages of each decision???

      Most antenna system unwanted movement is caused by the mast turning in
the rotator and rarely from the antenna turning on the mast. In the case of a
Hy-Gain mast clamp, it is one of the best and you'd be hard pressed to get it
to move once it's properly installed. And then there is the challenge of
drilling the mast. I wouldn't bother.

    If the antenna is moving, add another U-bolt or two or rethink the boom-
to-mast clamp. 

     The problem with pinning the mast to the rotator is that then you find
what the NEXT weak link in the system is; and in this case it's generally the
gears in the rotator transmission. IMO it's much easier to occasionally re-
orient the antenna than it is to replace the rotator. So don't pin anything, I
don't think it's worth it. 

     If you do need some additional friction to hold the mast (what kind of
rotator is it anyway?), you can try some thin rubber between the mast and
rotor clamp or some ScrewGrab applied at the interface. 

Cheers,  Steve   K7LXC
Champion Radio Products


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