[TowerTalk] TIC TR-1 Calibration

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro@k4ro.net
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:47:42 -0500 (CDT)

I am trying to calibrate my TIC model TR-1 and EC-2 controller
so that I can actually tell where it's the antenna is pointed by 
using the indicator and the preset control on the controller.

In order to do this, the first step is to set the preset at
North and then position the ring so that the antenna is
facing north.  Please, no discussion of True North.  :-)  

In order to do this, the motor (after being set North by the preset)
is first moved to disengage the gear teeth.  Then the ant/ring is 
turned until it is pointed North.  Finally, the motor is moved 
back in position to re-engage the teeth.  Sounds simple enough.

The problem I'm having is getting the ring gear to fully engage
the motor gear for 360 degrees.  When I installed the ring in June,
I had the same problem.  We'd have to turn the ring, tighten motor, 
turn ring, tighten motor, etc.  During this process, the teeth would 
sometimes slip (which was the whole reason we had to tighten it.)
When the slip occured, BAM - out of calibration again.

Carl at TIC mentioned trying to "pry" the motor against the ring
while tightening.  I have not found a way to do this, and this is
one area where I need some help.  I am using a model TR-1 (the newer 
model) on Rohn 25.  This model is spec'd for Rohn 45, and spacers are 
used for mounting on Rohn 25.   Can any TIC users out there give me any
pointers on getting the motor gear and the ring gear to mesh fully
for 360 degrees without throwing the calibration out of whack in
the process?

It's too bad the preset "north" cannot be adjusted from the control
box as well, as this would make calibration much easier.  It also 
seems like a bad idea to use the meter's movement screw as a point
of calibration.  There are even directly conflicting statements in 
the manual regarding this.

One set of calibration instructions says:

  "with a small flat screw driver carefully calibrate adjustment
   under meter to 180 degrees west."  (sounds bad for the meter...)

Another part of the manual says:

  "Note: DO NOT move the adjustment under the meter.  It may
   destroy the meter.   (this has always been my understanding...)

These two statements are 180 degrees in conflict.  What IS the 
correct method for calibrating a TIC TR-1 ring with the EC-2
controller?  (My EC-2 is serial number 2701.)

Finally, a few more questions regarding updates that were promised.
Have any TR-1 owners received the software update mentioned in the 
June 12 TIC bulletin?  Have any other bulletins or updates been 
issued since June 12?  Has anyone received the new user manual said 
to be released in July-August?  I have received nothing since the 
June 12 bulletin, neither software update nor new manual.

Am intently seeking clarifications, suggestions, or anything else
that might help.  (Please don't bother telling me I should have 
gone with a simple side mount & rotator -- it's too late now...)

Thanks again for any suggestions.

-Kirk  K4RO

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