[TowerTalk] 30M with a C3....

Bijou Bubba al.jaras@meriden.k12.ct.us
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:28:39 -0400

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Yesterday I worked a UA0AZ,  zone 18, on 30M. I wasa surprised by the
contact since I had my C3 in line and not thge G5RV I always use.
Needless to say I received a 579 from ALEX and after the contact I
realized the error I had made. Goiong to the G5RV caused a severe
attenuation to Alex's signal and switching from the C3 to the G5RV  did
indocate a much stronger s meter reading like 4 s units. I assume that
the C3 was functioning adversely but because of directivity as compared
to my G5RV was able to pull Alex in better. Has anyone out there used
the C3 on 30M with any success??
I am interested in comments concerning this.

Thanks ALL

de AL /NA1I

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