[TowerTalk] skin friction

Richard Jaco rjaco@bga.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:32:32 -0500

I have just started looking into the specs for installing a 5N Rohn base
for a 100' (S100D70EXC) tower. The specs call for a 4'x9'x9'
matt.(slab). The folks at Rohn say that soil type and resulting skin
friction are not really factored in on this matt and theoretically the
slab could be on top of the ground and be sufficient to support the
tower. My problem is ( I am not an engineer) I live in an area with hard
quartz laden limestone about 2-3 feet below the surface. It appears more
practical to drill piers into the limestone. Rohn says that's not
necessarily true due to this skin friction factor? Can anyone put all
this in perspective.


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