[TowerTalk] Aluminum mast

Stan Griffiths w7ni@teleport.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:31:03 -0700

Hi Tom,

I wrote such an article in 1992 and submitted to K5RC for publishing the
NCJ.  I can't remember if it ever got published or not.  Anyway, I still
have the orginal and I plan to mail you a copy of it and also send a copy
to K7LXC so he can add it to his collection of "available reprints" if he
sees some merit in it.  I am also sending a copy to Tom, K5RC, in case he
wants to put it on his web site along with the similar article he wrote
and the first article I wrote on mast strength calculations.

So, yes, someone has seriously looked into an aluminum vs steel mast
comparison already and my article is complete with calculations and
estimated pricing of the options available in 1992.  Weight is also
considered and it is not as favorable toward aluminum as you might think
because it takes a lot more volume of aluminum the make up for what it
lacks in yield strength.  My paper clearly shows this.

In the back of my mind, I think that article actually DID get published
in the NCJ and it would be worthwhile digging it out right now to read
since it addresses exactly what everyone is talking about right now.  I
will see if I can find it in any back issue I have and post it here if I
find it.

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

w8ji.tom wrote:

> Anyone ever done a strength vs weight vs cost analysis of common mast
> sizes?
> 73 Tom
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