[TowerTalk] Response to R for math

w8ji.tom w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 11:10:09 -0400

Hi Denny,

Pardon my ignorance, being mechanically challenged I go by rumor, folklore,
hear-say and rough approximations on mechanical issues.

My old friend Wiley Bunn, now a SK, was a mechanical engineer at NASA. I
know for a fact he filled the four inch pipes used to support his guy lines
with concrete, but since Wiley is dead I can't ask him why he did that.

I'm wondering why a well educated mechanical engineer bothered doing that?
Could it be to keep the pipe from kinking? Could it be some softer or
harder wall materials benefit from filling the core? 

Obviously Wiley thought it was worth doing. Anyone have an idea why?
> << Question then...how much additional strength, if any, is added to a 2"
>  mast that is filled with  epoxy cement or similar substance that is
>  poured in and becomes solid or semi-solid  >>

73 Tom

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