[TowerTalk] RE: Concrete an insulator???

Peter Larsen larsenp@cadvision.com
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 01:10:00 +0100

Hi All:

Here is how you measure the ground resistance of your ground 
rods/tower base:

First off us a "Megger" These aren't your little ohm meter from
RS. They will put out between 500 and 1K volts. (as a side note
they sure were fun in electrical lab ;->) You have to measure 
both ways with your leads as ground does have a diode effect.
You take the average of the the two readings to get the final
reading. You must also take into consideration soil condition/moisture
time of year, temp. and a few other things. 
You can't just take and grab your ohm meter and jab the points onto 
concrete and hope to get any sort of accurate reading. You must
use one of the tower legs and it must be bare metal. I have a 8 foot
ground rod in the middle of my concrete plus a fair bit of re-bar.

I hope this gives you all some help.

Power Lineman by Trade
Ham by Choice

VE6YC  DO21wc

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