[TowerTalk] Re: Thrust Bearing for Al Masts

Ed Jensen k5ed@dzn.com
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 10:39:20 -0600

Hi Kurt and gang,

Thrust bearings don't have to be so expensive.   HamMs are made to support a
thousand pounds down thrust so you just need something to take the side
thrust.  I use a home brew equivalent to the Rohn AB thrust bearing, a
length of pressure treated 2x6 spray painted silver after being drilled to
fit the mast.  Sturdy and won't abrade the mast.  Cost a couple of bucks.

Re Steve's weight smeight comment: I haul all my masts and antennas to the
top of the tower with a rope and then have to lift them overhead to install
them.  Weight matters to weaky guys like me!

73, Ed

Ed Jensen, K5ED, El Paso, TX, k5ed@dzn.com

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