[TowerTalk] Aluminum mast

Tod Olson tao@skypoint.com
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:00:21 -0500


I have sent my complete set of NCJ's to ARRL HQ for
conversion to a CD-ROM. I sent them in August. I was
scanning through issues as I was making certain that all
were there and believe that I saw the article you are
thinking of.

I have another set that I will check when my ARRL work at
the ITU Conference is over.

Tod, K0TO

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Griffiths <w7ni@teleport.com>
To: J. B. Black <blackj@agcs.com>; towertalk@contesting.com
Date: Thursday, October 15, 1998 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Aluminum mast

Hi OM,

It may well have been published in the March/April issue of
1993 NCJ.  It turns
out that particular issue is missing from my files and I
can't check it to see.

Can someone else check it and let us know if it was
published in tht NCJ issue?

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

J. B. Black wrote:

> Hi Stan,
> On Tom's site, in his article reprint, shows a footnote
>  ( http://www.ConsultPR.com/mast.htm )
> for an article from you for March / april 1993; could this
> be the one?  I hope that Tom will post it as well.  It
> is great to have these resources available to everyone.
> Thanks
> Stan Griffiths wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > I wrote such an article in 1992 and submitted to K5RC
for publishing the
> > NCJ.  I can't remember if it ever got published or not.
Anyway, I still
> > have the orginal and I plan to mail you a copy of it and
also send a copy
> > to K7LXC so he can add it to his collection of
"available reprints" if he
> > sees some merit in it.  I am also sending a copy to Tom,
K5RC, in case he
> > wants to put it on his web site along with the similar
article he wrote
> > and the first article I wrote on mast strength
> >
> > So, yes, someone has seriously looked into an aluminum
vs steel mast
> > comparison already and my article is complete with
calculations and
> > estimated pricing of the options available in 1992.
Weight is also
> > considered and it is not as favorable toward aluminum as
you might think
> > because it takes a lot more volume of aluminum the make
up for what it
> > lacks in yield strength.  My paper clearly shows this.
> >
> > In the back of my mind, I think that article actually
DID get published
> > in the NCJ and it would be worthwhile digging it out
right now to read
> > since it addresses exactly what everyone is talking
about right now.  I
> > will see if I can find it in any back issue I have and
post it here if I
> > find it.
> >
> > Stan  w7ni@teleport.com
> >
> > w8ji.tom wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone ever done a strength vs weight vs cost analysis
of common mast
> > > sizes?
> > >
> > > 73 Tom

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