[TowerTalk] Re: Extended Double Zepp Problem

DavidC davidc@bit-net.com
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:32:52 -0400

> Running ladder line back to the shack is out of the question; my tower
> sits 220' back from my house in between my property lines. Running
> ladder line on supports smack dab through the middle of the back yard is
> not something my wife can deal with, nor me for that matter!
> At this point I may just give up and install 1/2 wave coax fed dipoles
> for each band and be done with it.
> 73,
> Tom N2CU

If you get a length of high strength Phillystran non-conductive guy wire
and tension that between the house and the feedpoint support you will be
able to support the ladderline with lighter weight drop lines of
non-conductive rope.

I am enjoying and learning from your reports along the way in identifying
and resolving your antenna puzzle.  Thanks for sharing, it's what most of
us are here for!

73, DavidC  AA1FA

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