[TowerTalk] Short-Snort

CQK8DO@aol.com CQK8DO@aol.com
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 08:42:51 EDT

In a message dated 10/16/98 1:37:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, n7rt@doitnow.com

<< BTW: I have never owned an HF ICOM radio and never will............ >>

Hmmm, that is emotion, not intellect, and really has no place in this

The IC-706 is not the only rig with this problem (not by a long shot)... I
seem to remember reading that it is due to the time constant of the internal
alc which does not ramp up quickly enough to control the amplitude of the
first few milliseconds of the first dit upon the initial switch over from
receive to transmit, but does maintain control thereafter... I was simply
floating the idea for discussion of having an external keying relay put a
short-snort of voltage into the external alc connector upon initial keyup... I
am wondering if this port has a short enough time constant to obviate the
problem... If it doesn't, then on to the next topic....  
Asking the list to consider and comment upon this is a lot easier than
spending an hour poring over the "shcematic" and wearing out my calculator
trying to devine the time constants of the various branches of the alc...
i.e., I'm lazy....


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