[TowerTalk] Loose Rotator Bolts

Eric Gustafson n7cl@mmsi.com
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 10:39:07 -0700


Although now that the holes are greased, it is probably too late
for this, you may have been much better off with "Service
Removable" (usually blue) Loctite instead of the grease on the
threads.  Both for retention and corrosion/galling control.

73, Eric  N7CL

>Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 12:01:32 -0500
>From: wa3uum@juno.com (Matt T Powell)
>Has anyone experienced rotator / plate mounting bolts loosening
>up, to the point of falling out ?  I have had 2 cases of this
>happening, which were discovered this weekend.
>Both rotators were T2X's. One turns a 2 element 40 meter yagi
>and the other turns a stack of monobanders on 10-15-20
>meters. Each rotator was installed this spring. All mounting
>bolts had 1 flat and 1 "split " lock washer on them. All were
>installed with a small amount of grease on the threads.
>Maybe a "star" washer would correct the problem ? Thoughts or
> 				73   Thanks   Matt   W3UUM  

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