[TowerTalk] Loose Rotator Bolts

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:30:30 -0400

>     Has anyone experienced rotator / plate  mounting bolts loosening up,
> to the point of falling out ?  I have had 2 cases of this happening,
> which were discovered this weekend. 

Was fairly common for me to find lose base (mounting) bolts on my T2X 
rotors back in the Columbus, OH area.  QTH was on a flat land with a 
200' drop off from southeast through north into a river valley that 
stayed flat for miles to the west.  The prevailing winds "worked" the 
antennas most of the time.  

Made it a practice to take the socket wrench along to the rotor any time 
I needed to be on the tower.  Split locks helped but generally one of the 
lighter grades of loctite was the way to go. 

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I

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