[TowerTalk] N6AW on 30m BIG GUN SIGNAL

Bruce Horn bhorn@hornucopia.com
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 18:53:12 -0700

I suspect that you're referring to silent key, W6AM, Don Wallace, and his
legendary field of rhombics here in Southern California. Unfortunately,
W6AM's QTH was prime real estate and was long ago developed into luxury
homes on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The antennas are long gone.

Jan, N6AW, wrote a biography of W6AM in 1991 titled, "Don C. Wallace, W6AM,
Amateur Radio's Pioneer."

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn@hornucopia.com)

At 06:24 PM 10/18/98 -0600, Josh Logan wrote:
>I told a friend here in Colorado, he said he was pretty
>sure that Jan was at  QTH of silent key - W6RR.
>Does anyone here know what  Towers & Antennas comprise
>this station at former W6RR ??
>Josh  N7XM    in Colorado
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