[TowerTalk] First tower questions
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 14:19:33 -0700
> After being licensed 22 years, I'm FINALLY getting around to putting up my
> first tower!
> So here are the questions:
> 2) I was just about to start driving copper ground rods when someone told
> me I need to use galvanized rods instead for the tower. Engineering
> school is just a vague memory these days, but I can see how this makes
> sense. I'm leaning toward the 9-rod installation (3 per leg), but my
> question is, what should I use to connect the rods, assuming copper is
> verboten?
Check to see what the local power company is using to ground its poles.
They've probably got more experience than anyone else in your area.
Dave Hough, KC7DM
Las Vegas
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