Mike Lamb n7ml@imt.net
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 17:38:59 -0600

Right on Tom,

I once had an H frame for my stack of 4 M2 six meter 40 ft. boom yagis
which worked great for EME.  For terrestrial work it was really too
narrow.  To give an idea, if I had a signal 56 above an s0 noise level
with the beam peaked, all I had to do was move the rotator 5 degrees and
you could not even tell the signal was in there!  I missed lots of QSO's
because I wasn't aimed properly.  Now I have those 4 antennas stacked
vertically and the forward lobe is broad enough to be useable.

73/Mike, N7ML

T A RUSSELL wrote:

> The Finnish group who spent 3 months and lots of money
> building a superstation on Curacao used an H frame on 10 M.
> They came in second to PJ9B who creamed them on 10M
> using a pair of stacked Cushcraft 4L Yagi's.
> Was it the operators?  Or the narrow pattern from the H frame
> that cut down on their 10 M contact total?
> Check your pattern width against the spread for Europe and
> North America.  If your pattern is smaller than the target areas,
> an H frame could hurt your score more than help.
> de  Tom  N4KG
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