Mike Lamb n7ml@imt.net
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 23:55:31 -0600

Hello Bill,

Well, let's see, I had 4 each m2 2.0 wavelength (40 ft. boom) antennas that
were separated about 26 feet horizontally and 30 feet vertically.  They worked
great like I said for EME or for terrestrial work if I had a chance to point
the antennas properly.  In the sporadic E openings that were fast in and out,
often I simply found that I could not get them aimed before the band closed
(during the summer months you have an MUF that is not quite 50 MHz and a small
meteor burst will give you a reasonable opening in a particular direction for
30 seconds up to maybe 2 minutes.  Under those conditions, I find that a stack
of Halo's will actually be a big advantage even over a single yagi.)

On HF, I doubt that anyone could get the equivalent of what I had on six (try
80 ft. horizontally and 95 ft. vertically on 20 meters), so what your friend
said is probably true within normal limits on HF.

Bill Fisher - W4AN wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Mike Lamb wrote:
> > I once had an H frame for my stack of 4 M2 six meter 40 ft. boom yagis
> > which worked great for EME.  For terrestrial work it was really too
> > narrow.  To give an idea, if I had a signal 56 above an s0 noise level
> > with the beam peaked, all I had to do was move the rotator 5 degrees and
> > you could not even tell the signal was in there!  I missed lots of QSO's
> > because I wasn't aimed properly.  Now I have those 4 antennas stacked
> > vertically and the forward lobe is broad enough to be useable.
> I was talking to N4AR recently about H-frames (he's a guy that has put
> them up) and his feelings were that you can't be too narrow.  Now what's
> he know that that the rest of us who havn't put them up don't?  I have not
> heard from ONE person that had up an H-frame that said it was too narrow.
> If you are such a person, I would love to hear your experiences and
> details of the installation.
> 73
> Bill - W4AN - K4AAA

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