[TowerTalk] No Subject in the Subject

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@qsl.net
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:54:44 GMT

I'm one of those. I apologize. 

I was trying to edit and resend a prior post that was missing an
address. In my trying to get it to resend edited (which it wouldn't),
it went out unedited without a subject. I didn't even know it had
posted until I saw it come back on TowerTalk. I'm still not sure what
I did or didn't do. Wasn't on purpose, I assure you.

I think this has something to do with why my 7 year old grandson can
program my VCR in his sleep and I can never get it to work. 

When I first got my FT1000MP, it was like the VCR. After a year of
diddling with it on a dailly basis, I have it mostly down. It has been
work. Some part of me keeps looking for spinning wheels, levers and
machine oil. For the same reason, some days I hate email.

BTW, 5 year old grandson (brother of 7 year old) was up in the shack
and asked if he could listen to the radio (FT1000MP). I said sure, and
before I had a chance to explain any of the buttons, he turned it on
and started tuning it around, tuning in SSB and listening as
effortlessly as I pick up the telephone.   Sigh... 

(It's obvious that he has learned to read "power,"  "volume" and
several other terms common on VCR's and TV receivers)

73, Guy.

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:54:54 EDT, TOMK5RC@aol.com wrote:

>There's a bad trend developing of not including the subject of your post.
>Please, guys, I get over 100 e-mails a day. Common courtesy is to put a
>subject so they can be sorted in priority.
>Tom, K5RC/7

Guy L. Olinger
Apex, NC, USA

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