[TowerTalk] "stainless steel" corrosion

d.dimitry d.dimitry@mci2000.com
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 12:01:37 -0500


I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote.  Certain phrases spring to mind,
like walking the talk, something about Money and Bologna, etc.  I won't say
more, but let
the critics of various sorts take their shots.  It's a big loop, and
eventually what's what gets panned out in the end.  (Don't you love the
specific way that I write---get it, that's my point:  blah, blah, blah,
yada, yada, yada.)
Let me just mention something about stainless, if it hasn't been posted in
the last
couple days.  In my experience, you basicly run into two different
types in the metal fabrication industry (that I am considered,
by some, to be a part of):  Type 304 and Type 316.
Type 304 will rust, eventually.  Type 316 is commonly referred to as
Marine Grade and doesn't rust, to any measurable degree, in most, if not
all, naturally occuring earth environments--had to check with my lawyer on
last phrase.  Part of what I am trying to emphasize is that type 304 lasts
pretty long also, and even though you may notice some surface rust on it
after only 2 or 3 years, that piece of hardware will still very likely be
good for several more years.  (Fire away!)

**The hardware we supply with our towers is usually type 304 stainless.
That includes bolts, nuts, sheaves, and cable.  This is still a big
improvement over galvanized steel, imo.
***However***  We will gladly supply a customer with a large portion,
probably most, of the hardware, in type 316, **IF** the customer is willing
to pay a modest amount extra to cover the extra cost.  Yet some particular
pieces of hardware will cost substantially more if they are made from type
316.  There are a few reasons for the higher price.  One is that the stuff
costs more per pound.  Secondly,  type 316 can be very hard to machine even
compared to type 304.  Also, the material may be hard to get a hold of.
Some customers who live near salt-water opt for this extra-value in

Again, my opinion is that it's usually not necessary.  But, we
make every reasonable effort to give the customer gets what he wants at this
company--that's why we're in business.

Let me temper this info by saying that there is even more to it than
economic considerations.  Yes, you guessed it, type 316 has somewhat
DIFFERENT mechanical properties.  For some items, like cable and bolts, this
can amount to about 15% less strength.  Because of these engineering/design
ramifications, I have sometimes opted NOT to offer a type 316 alternative

I suspect that the antenna manufacturer talked about in earlier posts,
Cushcraft, may
have also weighed that into consideration.  But, I COULD BE WRONG.
Nevertheless, I'll keep trodding down that yellow brick road, that leads to
everlasting happiness and complete perfection.  We'll see what we get when
we get there.

You're the kind of person I'd like to do business with, Dave.


You wrote:

>The more competition in the business the better prices and products for
>the consumer. If
>Steve Best decides to tank his company that just leaves less choices for
>all of us.
>Perhaps we need a rule on this reflector that says if you haven't owned
>and run a company
>the size of the one you wish to bash you should take you commentary and
>stuff it.
>Keeping pressure on a company to maintain high standards of product
>integrity is a good thing...bashing a company with name calling and
>idiotic remarks that don't aid in solutioning
>obvious or lingering concerns doesn't help the company or any of us
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