[TowerTalk] Best wire antenna for 75m/80m DX coverage

WE9V Chad Kurszewski Chad_Kurszewski@csg.mot.com
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 14:15:15 -0500

>>I use 3 "vertical slopers" around the tower. I believe it was 
>>originally written up by K8UR, and is in the ARRL Antenna Handbook 
>>(mine's about 10 years old, don't know if it's still there) as a 40m 
>>antenna, using 5 slopers.
>>The wire is fed 
>>with a 3/8 wave of coax (I used RG8X) to a relay switch box.

I'm planning on putting one of these things up in the next couple

What's the concensus:  Use a 1:1 balun at each feedpoint or will that
screw up the inductive loading of the 3/8 wave stub (theoretically not).
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V                       e-mail:  WE9V@qth.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos

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