[TowerTalk] Guy anchors for 45G

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:23:07 EDT

In a message dated 98-10-21 14:11:59 EDT, W4QA@charlotte.infi.net writes:

<< I am in the process of planning a 100' 45G installation and am trying to
 get some ideas on what to use for guy anchors.  The ROHN manual
 recommends that I use two sets of guys (one at 85', the other at about
 40') and terminate those about 80' from the base of the tower into
 The soil here is typical southern red clay with a little bit of rock.
 Of course, I would like the best optimization of cost and safety for the
 guy anchors, but never having used anything but the "screw in" type (on
 a 25G) I'm not sure what to use.  Any thoughts would be much
 appreciated. >>

      N4KG will tell you to go ahead with the screw anchors 'cuz he uses them.
I, OTOH, prefer to follow the Rohn anchor specs using concrete and guy rods.
It's all in the book.  The LXC Prime Directive is to DO what the manufacturer
says. There is no spec in the Rohn book for screw in anchors.

     Get a backhoe in and you'll have everything dug in about 30 minutes. 

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC

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