[TowerTalk] Tram wire info

W7NN@aol.com W7NN@aol.com
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 10:18:55 EDT

In a message dated 10/22/98 0:10:32 AM EST, k7jb@uswest.net writes:

<< W7NI tells me that there is a web site showing photos of how to raise a
 beam using a tram wire and tiller arrangement.  I would very much
 appreciate it if someone could provide the web address.


No tiller arrangement, but there is a pretty good picture of Steve- K7LXC
getting ready to hoist a 6 element 20 on the tram at my QTH.  Go to the
picture page at           
I've got several more photos of the tramming process if anyone would like me
to put them up on the site.


HamStuff by W7NN
QSL Systems and Contest Aids

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