[TowerTalk] Hygain rotors

Dick Green Dick Green" <dick.green@valley.net
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:32:16 -0400

On my Tailtwister, pin 1 is the ground lead for the entire unit and pin 3 is
one of the pot leads: "Pot Arm to + End". Pin 7 is the other pot lead: "Pot
Arm to - End". The resistance between pins 1 and 3, or between pins 1 and 7,
should be 0 to 500 ohms. 0 at full CCW between 1 and 3, and 500 at full CCW
between pins 1 and 7.

(Pin 1 is ground, 2 is the brake solenoid, 4 and 8 are the motor, 5 and 6
are the limit switches, 3 and 7 are the pot.)

Hope this helps.

73, Dick, WC1M

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Thorne <rthorne@tcac.net>
To: Tower Talk (mail list) <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 9:50 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Hygain rotors

>Need some help with the wiring of the hygain rotors and the pin outs.
>What is connected to pin 1 and pin 3 on the back of the control box.
>I'm assuming this is the resistor pot in the rotor.  I need to know
>specifically what pin 1 and pin 3 connects to.  Is it the wiper or ?
>Thanks in advance.
>Richard Thorne - N5ZC (ex KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
>Amarillo, TX
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