[TowerTalk] Open Wire Line

Jim Berry basalop@gte.net
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:56:49 -0700

If you go to a sign place, they often will let you haul away all the plastic
sign material you would like for nothing.  Now this stuff is not rods, but
sheets.  You have to cut it up in strips and then then drill it for the wire
to pass thru.  If you have a table saw or such device for wood working, you
are set.

73 Jim K7SLI

> >  Since I've tried making my own open wire line and found it very
> > difficult due problems finding spreader material,  can you give any
> > indication how commercially  made ladder(window) line would perform?
> >  What did you use for spreader material ?
> 	You can get Lucite rod in 8 foot lenghts for under 5 bucks
> apiece. Good
> place to check is sign makers or plastic suppliers. We've made a lot of
> it. Use a 3/8" rod and make a simple jig to cut it in and drill it for
> either #12 or #14 copper wire.
> 	In a couple of evenings you can knock out a 100' easy. We prefer 600
> ohm over the 450 ohm.

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