[TowerTalk] Open Wire Line

dlhough@vegas.infi.net dlhough@vegas.infi.net
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:01:53 -0700

> For short runs or casual use, #14 and #12 in open wire parallel feedline
> may be satisfactory.  However, for very long runs or just to have a
> reserve capability, following Tom's lead and using #8 or # 10 is better.
> Although harder to handle initially, the losses will be lower, since
> current handling capability with RF skin effect is one of the major
> transmission line limitations at HF.  If you roll your own, you can work
> in great reserve capabilities without a great deal of extra cost.
> -73-

	Agree. Our runs have always been 100' or less. We have spreaders from a
military installation, that as a brand spanking new 2LT we supervised
the dismanteling of, and salvaged many many antenna insulators and
spreaders along with a lot of wire.

	The wire is interesting. No. 6, 3 strands of soft drawn copper around 1
strand of copperweld for strength. The spreaders are 15" x 3/4" dia. and
the insulators are 2" x 1" x 16" porcelan.

	Military and commercial always did things up in style though.

Dave Hough, KC7DM
Las Vegas

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