[TowerTalk] MFJ 259 accuracy??

N. S. FIRESTONE w3svj@juno.com
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 23:43:37 -0500

I have an AutecRF1 that goes real squirrely on frequencies much below 9
mhz. This only occurs on longer wires, 40 foot vertical and a one hundred
foot long wire. As others have mentioned before and I believe to be true,
the RF1 ( and I suppose other analyzers such as yours) is affected by
strong rf fields. There is a nearby 1kw daytime station that I am sure
affects the instrument. Shorter antennas such as my TH6 and a few smaller
hi q loops don't seem to pick up that broadcast rf or at least not enough
to make the instrument behave erratically. I don't know how to get around
the problem. I thought about a trap on the BC station frequency but I
don't know how to connect it so as not to change the measurements at the
desired frequencies. Now that we are on EST and the station goes off the
air rather early perhaps I will be a night time antenna tuner. Sounds

73 de Nate, W3SVJ, in Pittsburgh

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