[TowerTalk] MFJ 259 accuracy replies - TNX

AA4NC@aol.com AA4NC@aol.com
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 19:43:20 EST

Thanks to everyone who replied about the problem I had with my MFJ 259
It is indeed AM broadcast interference that is causing the problem, which only
manifested itself on 160m. I used an ICE broadcast band filter in series with
my 160 antenna, and it agreed with the internal wattmeter. I knew it was
susceptible to very local RF (you can see the meter swing when my station is
transmitting), but I never thought an AM station 5-6 miles away would have
that much effect.

Maybe W8JI's modification will be available soon so we can stop chasing
gremlins with these things! In the meantime, my BCB filter will go into the
259's case...


Will AA4NC / W4MR

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