[TowerTalk] Force 12 C3 series

Swilsonac6@aol.com Swilsonac6@aol.com
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 20:27:35 EST

Thanks for all the responses via the sig or direct E mail to my query about
which of the Force 12  C3 antennas I should buy!!  It was great to hear from
folks with some real world experience with these and comparable  antennas.
The overwelming opinion was that these antennas are indeed a better mousetrap
in their nitch in the world of ham antennas.  Folks using both the C3 and the
C3ss could tell little difference between the two even in real time a/b
comparisons.  Some grumbling about the reduced bandwidth of the C3ss on 10M
but it seems to cover most of the band pretty well relative to other 10M
antennas I have used.

I ordered a C-3 with the add on 10M reflector  over the other c-3 versions
mainly for emotional/irrational reasons in the end  (my bias developed over
the years that bigger and higher is better is not easily put to rest).

Thanks again for all the info

73,  Steve  AC6DR

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