[TowerTalk] Tower installation and tower parts

Terry A. Cox tacox@concentric.net
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:42:15 -0600

Hello, Bob.  Concerning your question #2 about a work platform, I used the
one you can get from Rohn for the first time this past weekend while raising
my 100' of Rohn 45.  BOY, do I like IT!!  When you're close to 60 and
overweight, you need all the help you can get!  Usually my feet feel like an
owl's when I come down, but the platform really helps.  There is a trick to
getting it on and off the tower to move it.  First, I recommend a lanyard
with a clip attached to the stand and to the tower when moving the stand.
Second, you have to hold the stand 90 degrees to its normal position and
twist the stand with one side brace to the inside of the tower to get it on
and off.  You have to make sure the brace clears the tower "Z" brace, then
it should operate easily.  73, Terry

Robert L. Shohet wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Finally got the holes dug for the towers - quite an interesting
> challenge with lots of ledge, hills, etc. - on CQWW Sat. morning of
> course, (NO - NOT how I planned it!)  Prospective towers to go up 100'
> and 130'.


> 2) I am NOT a macho tower climber so the idea of a work platform appeals
> to me.  How helpful are these?  How difficult are they to move from one
> part of the tower to another and why?


> Bob KQ2M

Terry A. Cox - KB4KA - Collierville, TN
e-mail to tacox@concentric.net
webpage at http://www.concentric.net/~Tacox
KB4KA PacketCluster on 144.97 direct or via ROSE address 901002

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