[TowerTalk] Fwd: More about C-3 10M reflectors

Ken Kinyon W7TS@ibm.net
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 10:28:22 -0700

Hi To all,

My experiences with the C3E to this point.
I ordered the element from the factory.  Although they advised the usual four to
six weeks,
it actually arrived in less than a week.  (4 UPS shipping days).  My crankup
tower lowers to the point where I am able to work on antennas standing on the
roof.  I assembled the element in the garage as I had done with the original
antenna. I was able to attach the element to the boom  (65" oc from 20m
reflector)without removing the antenna from tower.  Only problem was that the
pop rivets supplied to attach bracket to boom were heavier duty than my pop
rivet tool was able to handle.  (I thought it was fairly heavy duty.)  I
resorted to some smaller ones that I had in garage.   I have no way of knowing
what it did to the gain,  but improvement in F/B ratio is noticeable.  By the
way, antenna also looks better with it on there. ;<).  If any one else would
like to stand on roof while working on their antennas;
US towers made this tower for me using jigs that they had used for a special
order previously.  It is 6 ten foot sections that crank up to 49' and down to 13
1/2 feet.  I think Bruce called it a TMM-649HD.  Top three sections seem to be a
TMM-433HD.  With the 8 feet of mast above the tower, the C3 is about 56' above
ground.  I needed the short length cranked down as there was not enough room to
lay down a 20 foot section tower from the base, without tangling with trees or
property line.  hope all of this is of interest to some.
Ken W7TS

Kenneth E.  Kinyon
34 Princeton Circle
Longmont, CO 80503-2106
Voice/fax  (303) 684-0037
E-mail W7TS@ibm.net

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