[TowerTalk] Beware Autek wattmeter SO-239's

Brian Alsop alsopb@vance.net
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 01:33:21 +0000


Apparently the nut mounted SO-239's being used in the Autek Wattmeter
sense unit have problems.

The center conducter receptical relaxes and becomes too large for the
PL-239 mating pin.  I had a similar problem on my ZJ box.  They seem to
loose their spring and you get an arc.  Then later it becomes
intermittent on receive. Upon disassembly, both the socket and PL-239
pin were solid black.  It wasn't silver oxide either... Temporarily, I
cleaned things out and put a bit of solder on the PL-239 pin till I get
either replacements or put something better in their place.

Junk parts!


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