[TowerTalk] Feedlines on tower

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 09:56:08 EST

In a message dated 98-10-30 07:15:55 EST, brian_smithson@vds.com writes:

> My question is, what are the best ways to route and support
>  feedlines and control cables on a tower like this?

    The traditional approach is to tape them all to a single leg. Then they're
out of the way when you're climbing on the other two legs. THIS is the only
real use for that cheap 3/$1 electrical tape.

    Another mehtod is to use 8-10 inch long pieces of #14 or #16 insulated
house wire. Just twist them on. They're easily removeable when adding or
subtracting cables. The single leg here also.

    I don't like them coming up through the tower - they're a REAL PAIN to
install and remove. The only advantages are aesthetics (eye of the beholder,
etc.) and the the tower would act as a Faraday shield when it comes to
lightning strikes.

     Professional towers have the cables running down a face with each cable
attached individually to the braces. Looks really cool but it's a lot of work,
extra hardware, etc. 

Cheers,   Steve   K7LXC

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