[TowerTalk] MA-40 Concrete Base Help (again)

Hank Lonberg Hank.Lonberg@harrisgrp.com
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 12:31 -0800

     I'm not sure what the corner bars are. I don't have the diagram or 
     drawing. However it is common to use 2 layers of bars say at 12"c/c 
     each direction in the bottom of the footing and also in the top. 
     Sometimes the designer will make the bottom bars hook up to meet to 
     top, i.e., an "U" shape ( |____| ). Sometimes the designer makes the 
     top bars bend down to meet the bottom bars, i.e., and inverted "U" 
     shape. I normally just use the two layers without the hooked ends. The 
     "rod busters" use short pieces of bar to support the top layer. 
     Does this help to intrepret the diagram?
     Hank Lonberg, P.E.

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Subject: [TowerTalk] MA-40 Concrete Base Help (again)
Author:  MBecker@aol.com at ~INETMAIL
Date:    9/1/98 12:11 PM

Hi everyone,
I'm back again with some more dumb questions on constructing the rebar cage for 
my MA-40.  The hole will be 3' X 3' X 4'.  I'm having trouble interpreting the 
diagram in the US Tower instructions.  This is the way I understand it. The 
corners have vertical 1/2" rebar.  The horizontal squares are 3/8" rebar but is 
says they are to be @ 24" O.C.  Does that mean that thay are spaced vertically 
24" from the bottom of the hole to the top?  Also the vertical 3/8" rebar on 
the sides has the same designation.  I'm not sure if I am seeing this right.  I 
would appreciate a little clarification.
Thanks for the help and also thanks for the previous suggestions.  73.
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