[TowerTalk] Mismatch Loss and Tuners

Steve Thomas steve@n6st.org
Thu, 3 Sep 1998 21:57:01 -0700

Amen Steve! It is also interesting to contemplate what happens on the
receive side. The 20:1 SWR doesn't do any good for the receive signal

73, Steve Thomas, N6ST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com]On Behalf Of sbest@cushcraft.com
> Sent: Monday, August 24, 1998 5:16 AM
> To: towertalk@contesting.com; w2du@journey.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Mismatch Loss and Tuners
>      I apologize that this is a bit long, but I consider this to be
>      important.
>      I would like to comment on the remarks made by Walter Maxwell (W2DU)
>      regarding statements I made about mismatch loss and tuners.  I would
>      also like to comment on Mr. Maxwell's statement regarding the
>      operation of tuners.
>      Mr. Maxwell stated that several of my previous statements are
>      incorrect and "shows a misunderstanding of transmission line
> operation
>      and technique."
>      I made a previous statement that an antenna with a 20:1 VSWR results
>      in a mismatch loss of 7.41 dB.  This statement was made and is valid
>      based on my assumption that a transmitter would not
> re-reflect any of
>      the initial power reflected by the antenna.  I recognize that this
>      assumption is incorrect for amateur transceivers and that I should
>      have been more specific in my statements.  My assumption was made
>      based upon my experience with some military (US Navy) HF
> transmitters
>      which are inherently designed to dissipate power reflected by the
>      antenna.  These transmitters have a VSWR (reflected power) detector
>      which reduces output power as VSWR increases.  At a 4:1 VSWR
> they shut
>      down completely because the reflected power cannot be dissipated
>      without damaging the transmitter front end.  I believe that
> a passive
>      network is used to dissipate the reflected power.
>      In any event, in the design of antennas for use in a
> transmit circuit,
>      it has always been good engineering practice to design the
> antenna to
>      have a minimum VSWR relative to the transmission line.  Aside from
>      reflecting power at the connection point, the two most
> critical issues
>      that result due to a high antenna VSWR are the following:
>      1. Increased voltages and currents at some points along the
> length of
>      the transmission line.  At high current points, the increased power
>      dissipated can cause the line to become hot (temperature), sometimes
>      to a point where the line will "burn" through.  If higher voltages
>      exist at the transmitter front end or the antenna (relative to a
>      matched condition), internal components can be damaged.  It is
>      important to note that most manufactures specify power ratings in
>      components and cables under a matched condition.
>      2. Increased attenuation in the transmission line due to the
> increased
>      power dissipated at high current points along the length of the line.
>      Tuners:
>      In his discussions regarding tuners, Walter Maxwell states that a
>      tuner "compensates for the reflection loss by introducing an equal
>      amount of reflection gain."  Tuners do not "introduce" any
> "gain" and
>      in fact, the term "reflection gain" is somewhat misleading.
> The term
>      "gain" would imply that the signal intended to be radiated is
>      undergoing some form of amplification process.  This is not
> the case.
>      At any single point in time, the total steady state power
> delivered to
>      the antenna is sum of the signal intended to be radiated plus the
>      reflections that resulted from signals arriving at the antenna at
>      previous points in time.  Basically, the total steady state power
>      delivered to the antenna is the intended signal plus the reflected
>      echoes from previous signals.  These echo signals are similar to
>      multipath signals and in some communication systems they are
> disastrous
>      to signal quality.  In practice however, these echo signals
> may not be
>      detrimental to amateur communications.  This would be the topic of a
>      different discussion.
>      If we assume a perfect lossless fixed component value
> conjugate match
>      "tuner" and a lossless transmission line between the tuner
> and the antenna
>      the following will occur.  (Let's also assume a 20:1 antenna
> and 100 Watts
>      of power delivered into the tuner.)
>      In the steady state condition, the VSWR between the tuner and the
>      transmitter will be 1.0:1.  The VSWR between the tuner and
> the antenna
>      will be 20:1.  The steady state power delivered to the
> antenna will be
>      100 Watts.  The forward power measured by a wattmeter located at the
>      tuner output will be 551.25 Watts.  The reflected power
> measured by a
>      wattmeter located at the tuner output will be 451.25 Watts.
> It is now
>      important is discuss how this occurs.
>      In order to arrive at the steady state condition, where the
> VSWR between
>      the tuner and the transmitter is 1.0:1, a lot must happen.
> First, in the
>      initial state, where no signal has yet arrived at the
> antenna, there will
>      be an initial voltage reflected at the tuner input (the
> tuner input will
>      have an initial VSWR of 20:1).  The initial power delivered
> to the tuner
>      and to the transmission line connecting the tuner to the
> antenna will be
>      18.14 Watts.  Since the transmission line is lossless, this
> 18.14 Watts of
>      power will arrive at the antenna where only 3.29 Watts will
> be initially
>      delivered to the antenna for radiation (20:1 VSWR). The
> initial 14.85 Watts
>      of power reflected at the antenna will then be re-reflected
> back and forth
>      between the tuner and the antenna until the steady state
> condition is
>      reached.  These multiple reflections between the tuner and
> the antenna will
>      result in 100 Watts of steady state power being delivered to
> the antenna.
>      It is important to note that of the 100 Watts of steady state power
>      delivered to the antenna 3.29 Watts is the intended signal
> and 96.71 Watts
>      is echo signal.  It is also important to note that at the
> tuner output, a
>      20:1 VSWR exists for the voltage reflected from the antenna.
>  If we do a
>      further analysis of the steady state voltage at the tuner
> output, we will
>      find that sufficient voltage is delivered back towards the
> transmitter (at
>      the tuner input) to cancel the initial voltage reflection
> mentioned above.
>      In the steady state condition, the tuner achieves a 1.0:1
> match at its
>      input by canceling the initial reflected voltage.
>      If the transmission line between the tuner and the antenna
> has loss, let's
>      say a TOTAL one way loss of 1 dB, then the steady state
> power delivered to
>      the antenna will be 24.19 Watts.  12.24 Watts of this will
> be echo power.
>      The forward power measured by a wattmeter located at the
> tuner output will
>      be 167.84 Watts.  The reflected power measured by a
> wattmeter located at
>      the tuner output will be 86.69 Watts.  Note that the
> difference in the
>      wattmeter readings is not equal to the steady state power
> delivered to the
>      antenna because of the line attenuation.  It must be recognized that
>      reflections from the antenna must travel the transmission
> line twice prior
>      to arriving back at the antenna.
>      If we were to connect an antenna with a VSWR of 1.0:1 to the same
>      transmitter with a TOTAL one way transmission line loss of
> 1.0 dB then
>      79.43 Watts of power would be delivered to the antenna.  This is far
>      greater than with the 20:1 antenna and tuner.
>      If anyone would like a more detailed proof of what I have
> outlined above, I
>      have an HTML document that I would be happy to forward it along.
>      SUMMARY -  A matched antenna will significantly outperform a
>      mismatched antenna with a tuner.  A tuner cannot introduce
> "reflection
>      gain" to change this fact.
>      73 Steve Best
> --
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