[TowerTalk] Coax at the rotor

w2xx@cloud9.net w2xx@cloud9.net
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:49:55 -0400 (EDT)

J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
E-mail:  w2xx@cloud9.net

As we say in the software business:  "You are hosed."  

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Peter wrote:

> Here is the question: 
> Will the 1/2" cellflex to "massive" to use it at the antenne/rotor side
> or not?

Hello Peter:

I think you are asking whether the 1/2 cellflex will be too big
or not flexible enough to go around the rotor. 

As far as I am concerned, I wouldn't use it.  If you can use the 1/2"
or 7/8" all the way up the tower, the last 10 feet around the mast can
be regular RG-8 style coax without any bad effects (at HF of course).

73, J.P. W2XX

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