[TowerTalk] Beam Stuck*&%^*#@*

Ted & Joyce Wilhelm k9huh@icss.net
Tue, 08 Sep 1998 17:28:35 -0500

Any suggestions to free a stuck beam...I have a TH7 on a 55 foot crank
up that won't turn....Problem is I can't lower the tower with the beam
pointing the way it is because of neighbors trees...If I cranked it down
as far as I can would it be safe to place something like a 2 inch pipe
through cross members to enable me to climb up to see what is
happening......Brake is releasing but no movment...are the Cross members
strong enough to hold it up as described if the cable gives way or am I
looking to get my toes cut off?? anyone had this kinda problem????
Thanks 73
Ted Wilhelm

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