[TowerTalk] Rope End Sealing

Bill Turner, W7TI wrt@eskimo.com
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 03:36:54 GMT

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 20:39:08 EDT, K7LXC@aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 98-09-15 19:36:10 EDT, terrys@romulus.ncsc.mil writes:
><< 	I recently bought some 3/8 inch braided dacron rope to use with a
> gin pole. I'd like to receive some suggestions on the best way to seal the
> rope ends, something better than the black electrical tape the vendor
> used. >>
>      In the absence of a hot-knife that'll melt and fuse the rope at the same
>time, I just make a clean cut with a sharp razor knife and then use a lighter
>or flame of some sort to melt the strand ends together. Don't breath the
A lighter or match is ok, but a propane torch does it RIGHT NOW.

73, Bill W7TI

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