[TowerTalk] Magnet wire source?
Pat Barthelow
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 17:35:27 -0700 (PDT)
HI Jim, and the group.....
You should befriend your local telco tech, to see is he can get you any
scrap pieces of multiconductor telco cable.....we have scrounged some, and
it makes excellent radials, once the outer jacket is slit, and the
individual strands are unbundled, and splayed out straight.....
73, DX de Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ
"The Contest Station from the Government"
Marina Amateur Radio Contest Station; N6IJ
599 DX Drive
Marina CA 93933
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Jim Leahy wrote:
> Well, after chopping up all my ground radials with the mower this year, I've
> decided to try something else. I remember seeing a post last year about
> using magnet wire. It's tiny, and it's cheap. Does anyone know a source for
> this stuff? Curious if Home Depot or Lowes may carry it. Thanks in advance.
> Jim Leahy K2JL
> jleahy@norwich.net
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