[TowerTalk] X9 or C31XR

Michael McCarthy, W1NR w1nr@eecorp.com
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 22:43:20 -0400

Getting back to the question of X9 vs. C31XR...

I made an inquiry to Cushcraft asking for any information they had about
stacking X9's.  After nearly a week, I got a response that basically read "We
have heard that some people were going to do it (stack them) but have no
information on it."

I asked the same question to Force 12 and got a response from Natan in a couple
of hours listing gain, elevation angles, beam widths, etc. of stacked C31XR's at
various heights and spacing.

In addition, the C31XR has 30" of space at the mounting point for side mounting
and has separate feed lines for each band (2 radio or multi op friendly). 

You know which one I am buying a pair of!

Mike, W1NR

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