[TowerTalk] Guying questions
dan hearn
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 06:31:16 -0700
There has been quite a bit of discussion on this reflector in last week or two
re 4 point guying.( check archives) Apparently Rohn uses it on its tiltover
towers. Info on this plus an extensive discussion on elevated guy systems
I beams and pipe posts on KA9FOX web page. 73, Dan, N5AR
Mike Nash, ND6A wrote:
> I am wanting to use elevated guy anchors in my installation of some Rohn
> 45. (70 ft).
> First question: What has been used succesfully and unsuccessfully by
> Towertalkians?
> Second Question: Am considering guying 4 directions instead of 3, to make
> things a little easier when leveling(using a transit).
> is there a special bracket made to get 4 guys on a 3 sided tower?
> Third question:If guying 4 directions does that put a dangerously increased
> amount of verticle load on the tower? i.e. should I drop the 4 guy idea and
> just go with 3 like Rohn says. Yes I know I have also heard the K7LXC
> Golden Rule, but if I can make things easier on myself by all means I want
> to do it.
> Mike...ND6A (ex NO6X)
> A Keyring, what a handy gadget. It allows me to lose all of my keys at one
> time.
> --
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