[TowerTalk] 2m yagi installation

Fred Roberts froberts@pe.net
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 09:31:00 -0700

David Leikis wrote: -snip-

> I am installing a 2m yagi for local nets/emergency ops onto the top of
> my stack and would like to mount it vertically for proper
> polarization,
> but am wondering if the metal mast will interfere with it's
> properties?
> Should I try to change over to a fiberglass mast above the beam or
> does
> the polarization really matter with 2m after a short distance?


See you have two replies, one yes and one no.  I had the same concern
when I put up an 11-el 2M beam about 10 years ago so I used PVC for a
mast section.  I selected a size PVC that would just slide over the
steel mast, cut a 4-foot length, cut a slit about 4" long on either side
of the PVC and used a hose clamp to fasten it to the steel mast.  Has
worked fine.

Fred Roberts, W6TKV
Riverside, CA

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