[TowerTalk] Aluminum suppliers

Fred Roberts froberts@pe.net
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:23:14 -0700

JimW9WU@aol.com wrote:

> My Cushcraft A4S shed the reflector in last week's wind storm.  I need
> two 48" X 1/2" OD pieces of aluminum to repair it.
> Is this an item typically stocked at Home Depot, or do I need to order
> from another source? Leads?


Believe Texas Towers would be a better choice ... that way, you get
6061.  It comes in 6 ft lengths which are shippable by UPS.  I tried to
get 12 ft lengths one time, but it had to come by truck and there was a
huge minimum ... like 300# as I recall.

Fred Roberts, W6TKV
Riverside, CA

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