[TowerTalk] Tower base drainage problem

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:49:48 -1000

Hi Richard,  you wrote,  in part:

>My question is whether anyone has a feeling of how serious a problem this 
>lack of water drainage is. Will this prolonged exposure of the steel legs 
>to water likely cause any structural integrity problems?

Need  Oxygen also.

Only if more Oxygen can get into the legs.  After what is dissolved in the
water in there now has reacted with the steel,  nothing more should
occur,  unless more O2 can get in there.  Not sure how it is together,
you can judge that.  That is why there is still something of the Titanic
left at the bottom,  the O2 which did the original rusting went "down"
with the ship,  and there is no way for more to get down there now,
otherwise  the Titanic would be long gone;  same for the Yorktown
under some 3 miles of ocean out off Midway Island.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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