[TowerTalk] Rohn 45 for sale
John Hunley
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 22:27:06 -0500
Ron Rollinson wrote:
> I have for sale a 5-year-old 120' Rohn 45 tower,
> with accessories and antennas, in excellent--near-new--condition. The packag
> e includes:
> 1) The tower, with flat top plate, heavy-duty thrust bearing, rotator
> plate, and climbing shield for base.
> 2) 4 sets of heavy-duty (= 3/8" steel cable) Phillystran guys (30',
> 60',90', 120') and all guy hardware.
> 3) 2 KLM 4-element 20-meter yagis, one at 120' and one sidemounted at
> 60', the side mount, two Hygain T2X Tailtwister rotators, a DXEngineering
> 20m yagi phasing box and custom phasing cables, plenty of rotator cable and
> coax, and some side mounts for hanging dipoles.
> 4) Like-new climbing belt.
> The entire package is in place at my summer cabin 15 miles south of
> Houghton in Upper Michigan. It cost well in excess of $7,000 new, and was
> good enough to get me 5BWAZ. I will sell it for $1,500 to anyone who will
> take it down and haul it away.
Just curious: how did he achieve 5BWAZ with only 20-meter monobanders?
John Hunley
How does 7.5 cents/minute long distance sound?
Check out http://www.newsuccess.com/jhunley.htm
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