[TowerTalk] HF Beams
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:13:57 EDT
In a message dated 99-04-26 15:32:56 EDT, rharris7@pacbell.net writes:
> I am interested in puting up an antenna with more coverage and gain than
> the one I have now (Mosely TA-33SR). I have been browsing the ARRL web
> site and have not found any tests or comparisons they have done with HF
> Beams. I was particularly interested in the Mosely Pro-67C. Does anyone
> have information as to where I might look for any definative testing
> done on this type of antenna. Might also be interested in a HY-GAIN or
> something else with the same gain and coverage.
Please - before you do anything, read the report "HF Tribander
Performance -- Test Methods & Results" by N0AX and myself. It's 60 pages of
protocol, data sets and summaries of on-the-air tests of eight different
tribanders including the TA-33, C-3, PRO 77, TH11 and more. It's fifteen
bucks plus s/h and is available from www.championradio.com or 888-833-3104.
Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Champion Radio Products
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