[TowerTalk] rotor mounting screws falling out

Stan or Patricia Griffiths w7ni@teleport.com
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 10:34:57 -0700

I doubt that the problem is vibration.  Rather, I suspect some misalignment between
the axis of rotation of the rotator and the axis of rotation of the mast.  I think
this is the same thing that causes the bolts holding the two cast halves of the
rotator itself to back out.  I have had 4 of these rotators up for more than 25
years and I just do not have this problem.

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

Ted Boerkamp wrote:

> Hello everyone....just wondered if anyone else has experienced this
> situation....
> I happened to look up at the rotor plate after a recent thunder/wind storm only
> to realize that two of four bolts holding my tailtwister to the plate were gone.
> I climbed up the tower and replaced the missing bolts and even tightened
> the two remaining bolts. What can I do to prevent this from happening again??
> Obviously, these bolts are vibrating loose....any suggestions??
> Thank you in advance......73 Ted VE3SS
> --
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